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Specify in what type(s) of role you would like Vielfaltfinder database.
In which department or subject area, if any, do you work?
Are you a freelancer or a permanent employee?
Type of medium
If applicable, please indicate the type of medium in which you mainly work.
What are the focus topics of your activities?
If applicable, state other areas of work, e.g. as a speaker, possible teaching activities, etc.
Arbeitsproben, Arbeitsnachweise, Links, o.ä.
Please provide information here that we can use to verify your person and activity. This verification is necessary to protect the data of the experts listed in the Vielfaltfinder from misuse or unauthorised access. Possible details include links to your articles, to online team pages of media companies or other web addresses through which your email address can be verified by the Vielfaltfinder team.
Work samples upload Upload some work samples, work references, links if applicable.
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Erlaubte Dateitypen: pdf png jpg.
Presseausweis für Journalist*innen
Information on your press card (e.g. issuing institution, card number).
Upload a copy of your press card so that we can check your eligibility to access the database.
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160 MB Limit.
Erlaubte Dateitypen: pdf png jpg tif.
The email address is not made public. It will only be used if you need to be contacted about your account or for opted-in notifications.
Einige Sonderzeichen sind erlaubt, z. B. Leerzeichen, Punkt (.), Bindestrich (-), Apostroph ('), Unterstrich (_) und das @-Zeichen.
Address Please enter your address.
We want to give media professionals and institutions the opportunity to search for regional experts. That is why we need the specification of the federal state. The option "Rest of the world" is for those who live outside the FRG.
Please enter a telephone number where we can call you back if necessary for queries concerning your activation for the database. This telephone number will only be used internally and will not be displayed in your profile.
Honorary titles, official and service titles, titles of nobility, etc. (e.g. Dipl.-Ing., Dr., Prof.).