Neues Benutzerkonto erstellen

Please enter your subject areas. As you enter a subject, matching subjects that have been entered by other users will be suggested to you. You can enter several subject areas by separating the individual subject areas with commas. To make the search easier for journalists and institutions, the Vielfaltfinder team will add another superordinate search term here if necessary. E.g. for the subject term "Middle East conflict" the superordinate search term "foreign policy".
Enter the languages you speak. As you enter a language, matching languages that have been entered by other users will be suggested to you. You can enter several languages by separating the individual subjects with commas.
Enter the countries for which you can provide information. As you enter a country, matching countries that have been entered by other users will be suggested to you. You can enter more than one country by separating the countries with commas.
Employment sector
Which sectors would you associate institutions/employers with, that you are currently working for or have worked for in the past? Check all that apply.
List your current and past roles at organizations or activities.
Nur eine Datei möglich.
800 KB Limit.
Erlaubte Dateitypen: png gif jpg jpeg.
Bilder größer als 1024x1024 Pixel werden verkleinert.
Please provide a short biography (not in tabular form but as a coherent text, maximum 1000 characters). It will be displayed e.g. in the search results and other overviews.
Please provide your detailed curriculum vitae.
If applicable, please upload a PDF file with your detailed curriculum vitae.
Nur eine Datei möglich.
160 MB Limit.
Erlaubte Dateitypen: pdf.
Bitte stellen Sie Ihren ausführlichen Lebenslauf zur Verfügung. Sie können entweder das Textfeld verwenden oder eine PDF-Datei hochladen.
Preference for media requests
Please select the types of media from which you accept requests, if any.
The email address is not made public. It will only be used if you need to be contacted about your account or for opted-in notifications.
Einige Sonderzeichen sind erlaubt, z. B. Leerzeichen, Punkt (.), Bindestrich (-), Apostroph ('), Unterstrich (_) und das @-Zeichen.
Address Please enter your address.
We want to give media professionals and institutions the opportunity to search for regional experts. That is why we need the specification of the federal state. The option "Rest of the world" is for those who live outside the FRG.
Should your address be displayed in your profile to give journalists the opportunity to contact you?
Please enter a telephone number where we can call you back if necessary for queries concerning your activation for the database. This telephone number will only be used internally and will not be displayed in your profile.
Honorary titles, official and service titles, titles of nobility, etc. (e.g. Dipl.-Ing., Dr., Prof.).